Third Space PT Gerson Rodriguez
Third Space PT Gerson Rodriguez

Gerson is an expert in Sport Rehabilitation with extensive experience in sports-specific training.


Sports-specific Trainer
Athletic Performance
Injury and Corrective Training
Functional Training


Master kettle-bell instructor
EXOS athletes performance phase 1
EXOS athletes performance phase 2
FMS (functional movement screen)
Certified Power Plate Trainer
Sport Rehabilitation BSc


With over 10 years of experience, Gerson is an expert in sports rehabilitation and is fundamentally experienced in sport-specific training. He prides himself on continuous study to keep in touch with modernised training and rehab techniques, allowing him to combine them to enhance athletic performance whilst staying injury-free.


“Gerson’s depth of knowledge, experience, and passion for fitness comes through in every training session. Having past injuries and surgeries, I appreciate the routine he’s made based on rehabilitation principles and his agility to customise an individual session when aches and pains are acute.”



Training for life