Yoga at Wood Wharf

Enter stretches and postures, deeply and safely. A hot environment keeps muscles warm and supple, while boosting blood circulation and detoxify through perspiration.

Hot Yoga upcoming classes

Friday 31 January
Hot Hatha Yoga with Sophie Carroll-Crosbie
Islington 17:40 - 18:25 (45min)
Hot Hatha Yoga with Sophie Carroll-Crosbie
Islington 18:40 - 19:25 (45min)
Hot Hatha Yoga with Mahalia Pellett
City 18:30 - 19:15 (45min)
Hot Hatha Yoga with Imogen Houldsworth
Tower Bridge 19:30 - 20:15 (45min)
Hot Hatha Yoga with Angela Conjaerts
Wood Wharf 07:30 - 08:15 (45min)