Strength and Conditioning
Sports Performance
Olympic Weightlifting
Body Transformation
Fat Loss


REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
FRC® Mobility Specialist (FRCms)
ISSN Performance Nutrition
Certified Functional Strength and Conditioning (Level 1)
British Weightlifting Level 1
British Weightlifting Level 2
Pre and Post-Natal


Jayne’s background and knowledge in training and fueling for both performance and aesthetics has developed her skills as a strength and conditioning specialist. She puts a strong emphasis on finding a sustainable method that allows for flexibility and longevity in her clients’ city-based lifestyle. She works with her clients on body re-composition, strength and conditioning, as well as movement and functionality to maintain long-term health.

Jayne is an Elite Personal Trainer

"From day one, Jayne understood that my fitness goals were intertwined with my mental wellbeing and being held accountable. Through tailored workouts and unwavering support, she has helped me cultivate a holistic approach to health, where exercise became the foundation of my daily routine."
Alex M

Training for life